I realized recently that my last blog post was from September of last year, so it looks like I haven't been doing anything, but I have, and I've been going back through and adding more pictures and links and things, which glitched out the site, so these blog entries say that they were happening throughout like a week, but they were all posted 7/31, I just changed the dates so they'd show up in the right order. Enjoy!
I spent a lot of June shooting a short film with Zachary, which we co-wrote. It's down in edit-town with Jim Pierce now, so more on this in a couple months. I also saw an ABSOLUTE BALLS-TON of theatre at the Hollywood Fringe Fest, and I went to a screening/talkback of a film my friend Jenelle Riley wrote! It's called Warning Labels. It's been screening at a bunch of festivals, see it!
Okay look, so this was mostly just more Serial Killers. That time me, Zachary, and Jen DeRosa performed as ZACHARY BERNSTEIN AND FRIENDS AND ENEMIES for vote count
This was a busy month, but not entirely for acting/writing/comedy reasons. I moved! To a house! In Burbank! With Natalie! Combined, we have several cats.
Also, I participated in a reading of a new, smart, funny full-length play by Sarah McKinley Oakes. She is very smart and funny so it makes sense her script was, too. In February Tangerine Sunset died (it lived a very full life in two episodes) before it was resurrected for the playoffs. Also, that month I started co-directing The Boring Astronaut with French Stewart, in preparation for captaining the space shuttle in his absence. I also co-hosted the show one night with Zachary!
Kicked off the new year by co-hosting the annual New Year's Eve Fast & Loose show with Heather Schmidt; it was really fun, and if any photographic evidence of it exists I'll come back and add it later.
Also, Serial Killers. This one was by Peter Fluet! In December I continued to be in a bunch of serials for Serial Killers at Sacred Fools, but I also got a taste of co-hosting (FORESHADOWING) (well, if you're reading from the top down, like you would, where it's chronologically backwards, REVERSE-FORESHADOWING) (...BACKSHADOWING?) (cause the next month I co-hosted Fast & Loose) (and then Serial Killers) (ANYway) with the cast of Me & My Friend Marian! Here's how we opened the show! ![]() Bill Robens wrote this Serial, and Richard Levinson wrote the music. Watch the song and dance! I also wrote a song with Zachary about seasonal depression, disappointment, and heartbreak! Maybe I'll post it again in a few months, when the holidays roll around again. FUN!
In November, while continuing to do late-night theatre stuff, also shot a small part in a full-length feature, Drugs and Other Love.
Also, shot a commercial! In October of 2014, The Behavior of Broadus (a co-production of Sacred Fools Theater, Burglars of Hamm, and Center Theatre Group) was in full swing; I understudied for the marvelous Erin Holt, and got to go up several times with a kick-ass cast that made doing a musical even more fun than doing a musical already is. Hot damn! I was also in Nikki Muller's music video "The Sluts Are Coming Out Tonight (Slutty Halloween Song)," makin' mama proud. We learned an important lesson about the dangers of Dungeons and Dragons in this exploration--through musical theatre--of those little pamphlets the religious weirdos hand out to tell you how you're going to hell. (See the follow-up from the playoffs here!) I shot an episode of a new webseries, and did a bunch of Serial Killers, like ya do, and participated in a reading for a full-length version of a long-running serial I was in the season prior. And some housekeeping; since I apparently didn't write about them before, in August I shot a commercial, and I also won a Mosty, which is a very prestigious award. Don't look it up, just trust me.
Julia Griswold
I'm a writer, actor, and writing support-staff-er. I do comedy. I am short. SAG-AFTRA / IATSE Local 871. Categories